Complete the quick start form below to contact Kleinman LLC and end debt collector harassment today.
Debt buyers are companies that purchase billions of dollars in debt from credit card companies that have written off the amounts because of non-payment. These amounts are bought for pennies on the dollar. Debt buyers thrive on millions of dollars in default judgments in the New York court system. Debt buyers then attempt to freeze the bank accounts and garnish the wages of individuals who may be completely unaware of the judgment against them.
Abraham Kleinman is positioned to advocate that debt buyers frequently do not have any of the necessary documentation to prove they are the legitimate owners of the debt. Furthermore, the statute of limitations has often passed in many of these cases, but hundreds of families in Nassau County, Kings County and the greater New York area are completely unaware of their rights. If you are being pursued by a debt buyer or dealing with other debt collection, mortgage, or credit report issues, Kleinman LLC can provide the assistance you may be seeking.
Debts may have transferred multiple times before a debt buyer attempts to obtain a judgment in court. These debt purchasing companies rely on the individuals being sued not appearing in court. Counsel of an experienced lawyer can result in a favorable outcome.
It is important for consumers to understand their legal options when confronted by collection agencies and Abraham Kleinman assists consumers in New York areas such as Westchester, Staten Island, Queens and Manhattan. Victims of junk faxes, merchant receipts disclosing excessive credit card information, payday loans, or landlord tenant notices may be entitled to damages in certain instances.
If you are being harassed by a debt buyer or collection agency, the Kleinman LLC cease and desist service can prevent these companies from continuing to contact you. Contact Kleinman LLC at
(516) 522-2621 to see how we can be of assistance.
(888) 522-1692