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If you are being threatened with eviction after your landlord contacted a collection agency, it is important for you to speak with an experienced attorney as soon as possible. Abraham Kleinman assist clients in such parts of New York as Queens, Westchester and Staten Island with a range of debt issues relating to primary residences, including negligent mortgage servicers and harassment by debt buyers. If your landlord’s debt collection agency violated the FDCPA, you could be entitled to damages under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
Kleinman LLC represents residents of Kings County, Nassau County and the greater New York area in landlord-tenant issues. If a lawyer or collection agency has contacted you on behalf of your landlord, Abraham Kleinman can review the correspondence and protect your rights. A lease dispute, non-payment dispute, or eviction notice can cause significant stress for individuals and their families, but it is important for residents of Manhattan, Long Island and other New York neighborhoods to fully appreciate that they may be entitled to damages in cases in which they are being harassed by a debt collector or debt collection attorney.
Just as is the case with the victims of payday loans, junk faxes and merchant receipts disclosing excessive credit card information, Kleinman LLC protects the rights of consumers. Tenant’s are empowered to sue collection agencies if they violated the FDCPA or any state laws in collection efforts against you.
Abraham Kleinman can issue cease and desist letters for clients who have been harassed by debt collectors and he can sue parties that cause inaccurate information to appear on your credit report. You may contact Kleinman LLConline or call (516) 522-2621 to see how you can achieve the most favorable outcome in your case.
(888) 522-1692